Shanghai Key laboratory of Digital Media Processing and Transmission

Major research interests of the lab established in December 2005 include: image coding and transmission, video analysis and management, network computing and services, media design and presentation, system integration and implementation.

Shanghai Key Laboratory of Integrated Administration Technologies for Information Security (SKLIATIS)
Shanghai Key Laboratory of Integrated Administration Technologies for Information Security (SKLIATIS) was jointly established in December 2002, by Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Shanghai Koal Software Co., Ltd. The laboratory focuses on technologies of integrated management of network information security. KLSIISMR now has been developed into a professional laboratory which has great influence in the field of information security in China. It is also the only information security key laboratory in Shanghai.

Network Information Security Management and Service Engineering Research Center of Ministry of Education
Network Information Security Management and Service Engineering Research Center of Ministry of Education was a construction project approved in July 2006 by the national Ministry of Education. Engineering Center focuses on fundamental support system and the common key technologies for the public service and support environment of information security, and builds information security teaching support system for experimental teaching, engineering training and research simulation, and also carry out information security evaluation, risk assessment, penetration testing, information security construction planning, and other security consulting services.

Shanghai Key Laboratory of Navigation and Location Based Service
Shanghai Key Laboratory of Navigation and Location Based Service, founded jointly by Shanghai government and China Satellite Navigation Office (, is the first key laboratory oriented for the applications of BeiDou Satellite Navigation System (BDS). The lab is devoted to solving fundamentally theoretical problems and critical technique issues, to exploring new concepts, methods and techniques in the area of BDS navigation and localization services. Meanwhile, the lab is closely collaborating with industry, committed to solving the critical engineering issues in the emerging location based industry.