Important progress made by Prof. Lilin Yi's team at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in the rapid and accurate modeling of mode-locked fiber lasers
Main headline:Important progress made by Prof. Lilin Yi's team at Shanghai Jiao TongUniversity in the rapid and accurate modeling of mode-locked fiber lasersSubheading:This technology can significantly improve the efficiency of laser design andoptimization, and is expected to become a universal method for modelingmode-locked lasers.Prof. Lilin Yi's team at theDepartment of Electronic Engineering at the School of Electronic Informationand Electrical Engineering of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, in collaborationwith Prof. Minglie Hu's team at Tianjin University, used a recurrent neuralnetwork to achieve rapid and accurate modeling of mode-locked fiber lasers. Therunning speed is 146 times faster than the traditional split-step Fouriermethod. The prior information feeding method is proposed to achievegeneralization for parameters excluded by the signal waveform, such as thecavity length and small signal gain (corresponding to pump power), enabling thefast and accurate modeling of different states (soliton, soliton molecule,etc.) evolution. The relevant research results were published in theinternational optics journal Laser & Photonics Reviews in March 2023 underthe title "Fast Predicting the Complex Nonlinear Dynamics of Mode-LockedFiber Laser by a Recurrent Neural Network with Prior Information Feeding."ResearchbackgroundModeling mode-locked fiber lasersis of great significance for laser design and optimization. The traditionalmodeling method based on the split-step Fourier method to solve the nonlinearSchrödinger equation uses small-step iteration calculation, with highcomputational complexity and long operation time. The dynamics of themode-locked laser are very complex due to the coupling of multiple factorsinside the laser (dispersion, nonlinearity, loss, gain). The generation ofsolitons often requires hundreds of round trips inside the cavity, and thepropagation distance of light during the establishment of solitons can reach a kilometerlevel. To achieve long-distance accurate prediction, this study proposes to uselong short-term memory recurrent neural networks (LSTM) to model themode-locked laser. The split-step Fourier method needs to iteratively calculatemultiple times at the set step length to obtain a waveform of one round trip,while LSTM only needs to perform forward propagation once to obtain a waveformof one round trip, thus significantly improving the operation speed.Figure 1. a) The AI model withprior information feeding for intra-cavity evolutionary process inference.SSFM, split-step Fourier method; LSTM, long-short term memory. b) The workflowfor using the AI model.Thecavity length and small signal gain (corresponding to pump power) are the twobasic parameters for evaluating the working state of the mode-locked laser. Theformer determines the laser's repetition rate, while the latter determines thelaser's output state (such as whether it is mode-locked). However, these twoparameters are laser characteristics and are not included in the waveform dataof each round trip. Therefore, how to inform LSTM of the cavity length andsmall signal gain and let LSTM predict different dynamic processes under thesame initial waveform (fixed pulse is used for initial state to accelerate thedynamic process) has become a major challenge. To address this, this studyproposes the Prior Information Feeding method (see Figure 1(a)), which uses afully connected layer to raise the dimension of the cavity length and smallsignal gain parameters, and then adds them to the waveform data to form theinput of the subsequent LSTM layers, thus achieving generalization for thecavity length and small signal gain. When using AI to model mode-locked lasers,first use the split-step Fourier method to produce the dataset, then divide thedataset, use the training set to train the AI, and finally evaluate the AIperformance on the test set.InnovationachievementsFigure 2 shows that AI canaccurately predict the dynamic process of soliton establishment, with theintensity and phase in both the temporal and spectral domains accuratelypredicted, and the spectral beating phenomenon during the process of solitonestablishment accurately restored by AI. By further increasing the small signalgain, the generation of soliton molecules can be observed, as shown in Figure3. AI can also accurately predict the dynamic process of the establishment of solitonmolecules, and even performs well in 500-800 round trips beyond the trainingrange (the training dataset only contains waveform data of 500 round trips),and the prediction deviation of the spacing and relative phase of solitonmolecules is also small (see Figure 3(d)).Figure 2. The soliton formationcomparison between the SSFM and the AI model.Figure 3. The soliton moleculeformation comparison between the SSFM and the AI model.Table1 compares the running time of AI and the split-step Fourier method (500round-trip calculations). The average running time of the split-step Fouriermethod on an AMD Ryzen 7 5800H CPU is 13.145 s. When using a 2-layer LSTM, themodeling error (NRMSE) of AI is only 0.102 and the average running time on anAMD Ryzen 7 5800H CPU is 2.106 s, which is nearly 6 times faster than the split-stepFourier method. Furthermore, when accelerating the 2-layer LSTM AI model withRTX2080Ti GPU and CUDA, the average running time is only 0.09 s, which isnearly 146 times faster than the split-step Fourier method.Table 1. Comparison between AImodels with different numbers of LSTM layers and the SSFMThisstudy demonstrates that AI can be used to achieve fast and accurate modeling ofcomplex mode-locked lasers, while achieving generalization of parameters suchas cavity length and small signal gain. The researchers of this work statedthat this technology can greatly improve the efficiency of laser design andoptimization, and is expected to become a universal method for mode-lockedlaser modeling.PaperInformationAuthors: Guoqing Pu (Postdoctoralresearcher at Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Runmin Liu (PhD student atTianjin University), Hang Yang (PhD student at Shanghai Jiao Tong University),Yongxin Xu (PhD student at Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Weisheng Hu (Prof.at Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Minglie Hu (Prof. at Tianjin University),and Lilin Yi (Prof. at Shanghai Jiao Tong University).Fromleft to right: Guoqing Pu, Lilin Yi, Weisheng HuShanghai Jiao Tong University isthe first affiliation for this research. Guoqing Pu is the first author, and Prof.Lilin Yi is the corresponding author.Funding:This research work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation ofChina Major Research Instrumentation Project (62227821) and the OutstandingYouth Fund Project (62025503).Paper Link (or click "Read theoriginal article"):https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/lpor.202200363Journal Information:Laser & Photonics Reviews is an internationally peer-reviewed opticaljournal dedicated to publishing high-quality review papers and research work inthe field of optics, with an impact factor of 10.947.Source | Department of ElectronicEngineeringAuthor | Guoqing Pu