Tian XiaohuaProfessor


Phone:+86 21 34205018


Research Center:

Personal Home Page:http://iiot.sjtu.edu.cn/xtian/


Internet of Things,

mobile computing,

communication networks

Selected Publications


1. Xiaohua Tian and Y. Cheng, “Scalable Multicasting over Next-Generation Internet: Design, Analysis, and Applications,” Springer, July 2012.


1. Xiaohua Tian and Y. Cheng, “Bloom filter based Scalable Multicast: Methodology, Design and Application,”IEEE Network, vol.27, no. 6, pp.89-94, Nov., 2013.

2. Xiaohua Tian and Y. Cheng, “A Scalable Destination-Oriented Multicast Protocol with Incremental Deployability,”to appear in IEEE Transactions on Computers 2013. http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/TC.2013.42

3. Xiaohua Tian, Y. Cheng and S. Shen, “Fast Channel Zapping with Destination-Oriented Multicast for IP Video Delivery,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 24, no.2, pp. 327-341, Feb. 2013.

4. Xiaohua Tian, Y. Cheng and X. Shen, “DOM: A Scalable Multicast Protocol for Next-Generation Internet,”IEEE Network, vol. 24 no. 4, pp. 45 – 51, Aug., 2010.

5. Xiaohua Tian, Y. Cheng and B. Liu, “Design of a scalable multicast scheme with an application-network cross-layer approach,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol.

6. Xiaohua Tian and Y. Cheng, “Mitigating Loops in Bloom Filter Based Multicast Protocols: A Destination-Oriented Approach,” in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2012. (Acceptance Ratio 18%)