Wireless Networking and Analytics of Big Visual Data
    E.E. SJTU  |  Seminar Information


Wireless Networking and Analytics of Big Visual Data


     Who:      Prof. Jenq-Neng Hwang

                   University of Washington

   When:     10 a.m., Dec. 15 (Tuesday),2015

  Where:     SEIEE Building 5-303A

                   Shanghai Jiao Tong University



With the huge amount of networked fixed or mobile video cameras installed everywhere nowadays, there is an urgent need of real-time networking to collect and disseminate these big visual data, so as to perform intelligent data analytics for various applications. In this talk, I will first present several cross-layer quality-of-service/quality-of-experience (QoS/QoE) and quality of content (QoC) based video networking techniques over 4G/Wi-Fi infrastructures among an array of networked cameras. The coordinated data analytics for these collected big visual data, so as to dynamically monitor and reconstruct the physical world, will then be presented. These applications include human tracking across multiple fixed/mobile cameras in intelligent surveillance and underwater/on-board fish tracking for environmental and global warming applications.



Dr. Jenq-Neng Hwang received the BS and MS degrees, both in electrical engineering (EE) from the National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, in 1981 and 1983 separately. He then received his Ph.D. degree from the University of Southern California. In the summer of 1989, Dr. Hwang joined the Department of Electrical Engineering of the University of Washington in Seattle, where he has been promoted to Full Professor since 1999. He served as the Associate Chair for Research from 2011 to 2015 and is currently the Associate Chair for Global Affairs in the EE Department. He has written more than 300 journal, conference papers and book chapters in the areas of multimedia signal processing, and multimedia system integration and networking, including a textbook on “Multimedia Networking: from Theory to Practice,” published by Cambridge University Press. Dr. Hwang has close working relationship with the industry on multimedia signal processing and multimedia networking.
Dr. Hwang received the 1995 IEEE Signal Processing Society's Best Journal Paper Award. He is a founding member of Multimedia Signal Processing Technical Committee of IEEE Signal Processing Society and was the Society's representative to IEEE Neural Network Council from 1996 to 2000. He is currently an advisory member of Multimedia Technical Committee (MMTC) of IEEE Communication Society and also a member of Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP) and Internet of Things (IoT) of IEEE Signal Processing Society. He served as an associate editor for IEEE T-SP, T-NN, T-CSVT, IEEE T-IP, and IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, as well as an Editor for JISE, ETRI, JSPS, and IJDMB. He was the Program Co-Chair of ICASSP 1998 and ISCAS 2009, and is the Program Co-Chair for ICME 2016. Dr. Hwang is a fellow of IEEE since 2001.