Ye ZhichengAssociate Researcher
Zhicheng Ye received his B.S. of Physics and Master of Optics degree in 1999 and 2002, respectively, from Beijing Normal University,Beijing, China, and a Ph.D. degree in 2006 from the Institute of Semiconductors, CAS of Integrated Optics. Then, he joined the group of Professor Yong-Hee Lee in Korean Institute of Advanced Science and Technology for the research of Photonic Crystal Laser. Now, he is an associate researcher in the National Engineering Lab for TFT-LCD Materials and Technology, department of Electronic Engineering.-.
Dr.Ye has published more than 10 journal articles including the area of Photonic Crystals,Plasmonics,and Display Optics System
Research Areas
Display(Green Optical Design, 3D)
Nano Optics(Photonic Crystals, Plasmonics, Lasers)
Nano Fabrication(Laser Interference Lithography,Nano-Imprinting)
Display(Green Optical Design, 3D)
Nano Optics(Photonic Crystals, Plasmonics, Lasers)
Nano Fabrication(Laser Interference Lithography,Nano-Imprinting)
Display Optics
Selected Publications
Zhicheng Ye, Jun Zheng, Shu Sun, Shujing Chen, Dahe Liu,"Compact Color Filter and Polarizer of Bilayer Metallic Nanowire Grating Based on Surface Plasmon Resonance",Plasmonics, DOI: 10.1007/s11468-012-9433-6, 2012
Shujing Cheng and Dahe LIu,"Compact Color Filter and Polarizer of Bilayer Metallic Nanowire Grating Based on Surface Plasmon Resonance",Plasmonics, DOI: 10.1007/s11468-012-9433-6, 2012
Zhicheng Ye,Jun Zheng, Shu Sun,Lindong Guo,and Han-ping D.Shieh,"Compact transreflective color filters and polarizers by bi-layer metallic nanowire gratings on flexible substrates",IEEE-JSTQE,2012,in press.
Zhicheng Ye, Yao Peng, Tianrui Zhai, Ying Zhou, and Dahe Liu,"Surface plasmon-mediated transmission in double-layer metallic grating polarizers",J.Opt.Soc.Am.B,502-507,Vol.28,No.3,2011.