





吴老师长期从事安全、超可靠和低时延通信理论与方法研究,目前已在IEEE期刊发表论文100余篇,多篇论文入选ESI热点及高被引论文,出版专著1本。 获国家自然基金委优秀青年基金、IEEE通信学会亚太区杰出青年研究学者奖、华为技术成果转化二等奖、全球前2%顶尖科学家“终身科学影响力榜单”、“6G星辰青年学者和2014德国洪堡学者等荣誉和奖励。 看现任IEEE Senior Member,并受邀担任IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Wireless Communication以及 IEEE Communications Letters编委。作为领衔客座编委(Lead Guest Editor)在IEEE JSAC,IEEE Wireless Communications 和 IEEE JSTSP上组织了多期专刊。同时,多次担任IEEE ICC、Globecom、VTC等国际著名会议技术委员会主席及委员。现任IMT-2030(6G)新一代多址接入技术任务组副组长,上海市5G/6G专家委员会特聘专家,主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发子课题以及华为、中兴、国家电网等科研项目多项。


1. 空时无线通信理论与方法

2. 编码、调制与多址接入理论与方法

3. 6G 通信

4. 星地融合通信

5. AI 垂直行业应用


1. IEEE通信学会亚太区杰出青年研究学者奖

2. 华为技术成果转化二等奖

3. 全球前2%顶尖科学家“终身科学影响力榜单”

4. “6G星辰青年学者

5. 德国洪堡学者


1.  本科生专业必修课 “无线通信原理与移动网络”


1.   华为科研合作项目,广义LDPC中短码增强研究,80万,2024.11-2025.11, 主持

2.   国家自然基金委优秀青年基金,空分复用无线传输理论与关键技术,200万,2022.1-2024.12,主持

3.   国家重点研发“大规模无线通信物理层基础理论与技术”子课题,67万,2019.7-2023.6, 主持

4.   国家电网科研合作项目,电力线载波与无线融合芯片设计服务,310万,2018.09-2020.12,主持


1. IEEE Transactions on Communications 编委

2. IEEE Wireless Communication 编委

3. IEEE Communications Letters编委

4.   电子学报编委

5.  中国通信学会通信理论与信号处理委员会委员

[B. 1] 离散调制信号MIMO传输技术,吴泳澎著,人民邮电出版社,2022.10

[J.1] Y. Wu, X. Gao, S. Zhou, W. Yang, Y. Polyanskiy, and G. Caire, "Massive access for future wireless communication systems, " IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 27, pp. 148-156, Apr. 2020.

[J.2] Y. Wu, C.-K. Wen, W. Chen, S. Jin, R. Schober, and G. Caire, "Data-aided secure massive MIMO transmission under the pilot contamination attack," IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 67, pp. 4765-4781, Jul.2019.

[J.3] Y. Wu, C. Xiao, Z. Ding, X. Gao, and S. Jin, "MIMO transmission with discrete input signals: Technical challenges, advances, and future trends," Proceeding of IEEE, vol. 106, pp.1799-1833, Oct. 2018.

[J.4] Y. Wu, A. Khisti, C. Xiao, G. Caire, K.-K. Wong, and X. Gao, "A survey of physical layer security techniques for 5G wireless networks and challenges ahead, " IEEE J. Sel. Area Commun., vol. 36, pp. 679-695, Apr. 2018.

[J.5] Y. Wu, J.-B. Wang, J. Wang, R. Schober, and C. Xiao, "Secure transmission with large numbers of antennas and finite alphabet inputs," IEEE Trans. Commun. vol. 65, pp. 3614-3628, Aug. 2017.

[J.6] Y. Wu, C.-K. Wen, D. W. K. Ng, R. Schober, and A. Lozano, "Low complexity MIMO precoding for finite alphabet signaling," IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun. vol. 16, pp. 4571-4584, Jul. 2017

[J.7] Y. Wu, R. Schober, D. W. K. Ng, C. Xiao, and G. Caire, "Secure massive MIMO transmission with an active eavesdropper, " IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 62, pp. 3880-3890, Jul. 2016 .

[J.8] Y. Wu, C.-K. Wen, C. Xiao, X. Gao, and R. Schober, "Linear precoding for the MIMO multiple access channel with finite alphabet inputs and statistical CSI," IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 14, pp. 983-997, Feb. 2015.

[J.9] Y. Wu, S. Jin, X. Gao, M. R. McKay, and C. Xiao, "Transmit designs for the MIMO broadcast channel with statistical CSI," IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 62, pp. 4451–4466, Sep. 2014.

[J.10] Y. Wu, C. Xiao, X. Gao, J. D. Matyjas, and Z. Ding, "Linear precoder design for MIMO interference channels with finite-alphabet signaling," IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 61, pp. 3766–3780, Sep. 2013.