





丁晓伟是上海交通大学副教授,博士生导师。前UCLA计算机系研究助理教授。2008-2012年就读于上海交通大学并获得信息工程本科学位;2012-2015年就读于University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) 并获得计算机博士学位,辅修应用数学。就读博士期间担任美国Cedars-Sinai医学中心人工智医疗部研究员,合作开发多个美国FDA批准的机器学习医学影像分析系统。2019年作为创始成员成立上海交通大学-加州大学洛杉矶分校机器感知与推理研究中心。

丁晓伟的研究方向聚焦于医疗人工智能和计算机视觉。与医疗机构的合作文章发表在Nature子刊Biomedical Engineering, European Heart Journal,Medical Image Analysis等期刊。论文获MICCAI DLMIA最佳论文奖。丁晓伟是全病种医疗影像AI的发起者,他主持研发的多款AI医学影像分析产品线具备FDA,CFDA,CE医疗器械准入资质,并已落地国内300多家公立医院。合作医疗机构包括北京协和医院、301医院、瑞金医院、华山医院、梅奥医学中心,Kaiser Permanente,哈佛Beth Isreal医学院等。

1. 医疗人工智能 2. 计算机视觉


2. 福布斯中国30Under30


Ding, Xiaowei, Demetri Terzopoulos, Mariana Diaz‐Zamudio, Daniel S. Berman, Piotr J. Slomka, and Damini Dey. "Automated pericardium delineation and epicardial fat volume quantification from noncontrast CT." Medical physics 42, no. 9 (2015): 5015-5026.

Ding, Xiaowei, Jianing Pang, Zhou Ren, Mariana Diaz-Zamudio, Chenfanfu Jiang, Zhaoyang Fan, Daniel S. Berman et al. "Automated pericardial fat quantification from coronary magnetic resonance angiography: feasibility study." Journal of Medical Imaging 3, no. 1 (2016): 014002.

Tajbakhsh, Nima, Laura Jeyaseelan, Qian Li, Jeffrey N. Chiang, Zhihao Wu, and Xiaowei Ding. "Embracing imperfect datasets: A review of deep learning solutions for medical image segmentation." Medical Image Analysis (2020): 101693.

Yan, Xingjian, Jianing Pang, Hang Qi, Yixin Zhu, Chunxue Bai, Xin Geng, Mina Liu, Demetri Terzopoulos, and Xiaowei Ding. "Classification of lung nodule malignancy risk on computed tomography images using convolutional neural network: A comparison between 2d and 3d strategies." In Asian Conference on Computer Vision, pp. 91-101. Springer, Cham, 2016.

Hell, M., X. Ding, P. Slomka, D. Terzopoulos, S. Hayes, S. Achenbach, S. Berman, and D. Dey. "Epicardial adipose tissue volume but not density is an independent predictor for myocardial ischemia." In EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, vol. 36, pp. 86-86. GREAT CLARENDON ST, OXFORD OX2 6DP, ENGLAND: OXFORD UNIV PRESS, 2015.