





本硕毕业于天津大学,博士毕业于新加坡南洋理工大学(导师:Anand Asundi、SPIE Board of Directors、SPIE Fellow、亚洲实验力学学会主席)。研究方向:数字全息、面向纳米网络的微观分子通信、计算光学主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然金青年项目、上海市自然科学基金面上项目等。作为主要完成人参与国家重点研发计划课题,研发高精度变形测量仪器。至今,共发表论文50余篇,其中作为第一作者与通讯作者发表的SCI文章20余篇,专利8项。


  1. 两次指导学生获得上海交通大学优异学士学位论文(Top 1%20222017),并获得指导教师奖。指导多名本科生作为第一作者发表SCI论文。
  2. 连续多年教学评价为A(全校范围Top 10%),累计10余次。主讲课程包括:数字电路 (本科)、数字信号处理(本科) 、高级数字信号处理(研究生课程、致远荣誉课程、博士生入学考试课程)
  3. 指导8名研究生、联合指导2名博士生。





2015-2017,  国家自然科学基金-青年项目,25万元,负责人。

2021-2022, 上海计量院重点实验室开放基金,6万,负责人。


担任通信领域旗舰会议IEEE ICC 2019-2022中分子通信方向的TPC;

IEEE ICC (International Conference on Communications) 是通信领域两个国际旗舰会议之一 。

担任光学国际会议icOPEN 2018和2022的TPC;

icOPEN (The International Conference on Optical and Photonic Engineering) 是新加坡光学学会的旗舰会议,主要在亚洲举办。

担任分子通信旗舰会议ACM Nano 2019-2022 的TPC。


  1. Hao Yan, Liangyou Chen, Jun Long, Kaiping Li, Ping Cai, Yi Su, Lihua Lei and Bing Pan*, “3D Shape and Displacement Measurement of Diffuse Objects by DIC-Assisted Digital Holography”, Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 62, Iss. 7, pp. 1119-1134, 2022. (SCI, IF: 2.794, JCR Q2)
  2. Jun Long, Hao Yan, Kaiping Li, YueMeng Zhang, Shuyuan Pan, and Ping Cai, "Autofocusing by phase differences in Reflective digital holography", Applied Optics, Vol. 61, Iss. 9, pp. 2284-2292, 2022(SCI, IF: 1.905).
  3. Zheng R, Lin L, Yan Hao*. A Noise Suppression Filter for Molecular Communication via Diffusion, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, Vol. 10, Iss.3, pp. 589-593, 2021. (SCI, IF: 5.281, JCR Q1)
  4. Jun Long, Ping Cai, Chiyue Liu, Weijuan Qu, and Hao Yan, "Aperture synthesis based solely on phase images in digital holography," Chinese Optics Letters, Vol. 19, Iss. 3, pp. 070501-1- 070501-6, 2021. (SCI, JCR Q2)
  5. T. Luo, R. Zheng, J. Song, L. Lin and H. Yan*, “A Small-scale Modulator of Electric-to-DNA Signal Conversion for Molecular Communications”, oral presented in 2020 IEEE ICC (Flagship conference in communications), Dublin, Ireland, June 7-11, 2020.
  6. X. Mu, H. Yan*, B. Li, M. Liu, R. Zheng, Y. Li, L. Lin, “Low-Complexity Adaptive Signal Detection for Mobile Molecular Communication”, IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 237-248, April 2020. (SCI, IF:3.206)
  7. Hao Yan, Chiyue Liu, Jun long, Ping Cai, Qian Kemao, Anand Asundi, “Investigation of the Axial Error Caused by the Space Variant Effect in Digital Holography”, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 112: pp: 16-25, 2019. (SCI, IF: 5.666, JCR Q1)
  8. Z. Ma, H. Yan* and etc., “Electric Field Assisted Molecular Communication for High Data Rate Transmission”, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, Vol. 8, Issue 6, pp. 1571-1574, 2019. (SCI, IF: 5.281, JCR Q1)
  9. L. Lin, Q. Wu, M. Ma, H. Yan*, “Concentration-Based Demodulation Scheme for Mobile Receiver in Molecular Communication”, Nano Communication Networks, vol. 20, 2019. (SCI, IF: 2.783, JCR Q2)
  10. L. Lin, Z. Luo, Q. Wu, H. Yan*, “High-Accuracy Distance Estimation for Molecular Communication Systems via Diffusion”, Nano Communication Networks, vol. 19, 2019, 47-53. (SCI, IF: 2.783, JCR Q2)
  11. Hao Yan, G. Chang, Z. Ma, L. Lin, “Derivative Based Signal Detection for High Data Rate Molecular Communication System”, IEEE Communications Letters, 22(9) 1782-1785, 2018. (SCI, IF:3.553, JCR Q2)
  12. Ge Chang, Lin L, Hao Yan*. “Adaptive Detection and ISI Mitigation for Mobile Molecular Communication”, IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience, Vol. 17, Issue 1, pp. 21-35, 2018. (SCI, IF:3.206).
  13. Lin Lin, Qian Wu, Fuqiang Liu, and Hao Yan*, "Mutual Information and Maximum Achievable Rate for Mobile Molecular Communication Systems", IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience, Vol. 17, Issue 4, pp.507-517, 2018. (SCI, IF:3.206).
  14. Z. Luo, L. Lin, W. Guo, S. Wang, F. Liu, H. Yan, “One Symbol Blind Synchronization in SIMO Molecular Communication Systems”, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, Vol. 7, Issue 4, pp: 530-533, 2018. (SCI, IF:5.666, JCR Q1)
  15. Stijn Bettens, Hao Yan*, David Blinder, Heidi Ottevaere, Colas Schretter, Peter Schelkens. "Studies on the sparsifying operator in compressive digital holography", Optics Express, Vol. 25, Issue 16, pp. 18656-18676, 2017. (SCI, IF:3.833, JCR Q1)
  16. Lin L, Li F, Ma M, Hao Yan*. “Oscillation of Nanomachines Based on Molecular Diffusion with Noises”, IEEE Sensors Journal, 17(11): 3559-3567, 2017. (SCI, IF: 2. 617, JCR Q2)
  17. Lin L, Zhang J, Ma M, Hao Yan*. "Time synchronization for molecular communication with drift.", IEEE Communications Letters, 21(3) 476-479, 2017. (SCI, IF: 2.723, JCR Q2)
  18. Wenxiu Hou, Fangfang Xia, Gabriel Alfranca, Hao Yan, Xiao Zhi, Yanlei Liu, Chen Peng, Chunlei Zhang, Jesus Martinez de la Fuente, Daxiang Cui, Nanoparticles for multi-modality cancer diagnosis: Simple protocol for self-assembly of gold nanoclusters mediated by gadolinium ions, Biomaterials, Volume 120, Pages 103-114, 2017.( SCI, IF:8.806, JCR Q1)
  19. Facai Yan, Hao Yan*,Yingjie Yu,Wenjing Zhou,Anand Asundi. "The suppression of phase error by applying window functions to digital holography.", Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 86: pp: 206-215, 2016. (SCI, IF:5.666, JCR Q1)
  20. Hao Yan, Bing Pan, “Three-dimensional displacement measurement based on the combination of digital holography and digital image correlation”, Optics Letters, Vol. 39 Iss. 17, pp. 5166-5169, 2014. (SCI, IF:3. 589, JCR Q1)
  21. Hao Yan*, Anand Asundi, “Impact of charge-coupled device size on axial measurement error in digital holographic system”, Optics Letters, Vol. 38, Iss. 8, pp. 1194–1196 (2013). (SCI, IF:3.589, JCR Q1)
  22. Lin, Lin, C Yang, M Ma, Hao Yan*. "A clock synchronization method for molecular nanomachines in bionanosensor networks.", IEEE Sensors Journal, 16(19): 7194-7203, 2016. (SCI, IF:2.617, JCR Q2)
  23. Hao Yan*, Anand Asundi, “Studies on aperture synthesis in digital Fresnel holography”. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 50, Iss. 4, pp. 556–562 (2012). (SCI, IF5.666, JCR Q1)
  24. Hao Yan*, Anand Asundi, “Resolution analysis of a digital holography system”, Applied Optics, Vol. 50, Iss. 2, pp. 183–193 (2011). (SCI, IF:1.748)