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Dr. Xuelin Yang received his Master and Ph.D. degrees in Optics from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 1992 and 1995. From Sept 1999 to Sept. 2001, He joined in the Lab STIM, Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, France, as a postdoctoral researcher. His research fields were organic nonlinear optical materials & devices.From Oct. 2001 to Nov. 2004, Dr. Yang was employed by Department of Electrical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands.His interests mainly focused on ultrafast all-optical switching devices employing semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) in optical telecommunication system.From Dec. 2004 to 2008, Dr. Yang has been employed by Photonics System Group, Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Ireland as Senior Researcher.

Dr. Yang has been employed as Associate Professor in Shanghai Jiao Tong University since 2009. He is currently investigating all-optical high-speed signal processing in fiber-optical communication system.He has published over 100 papers in journal and conferences, including 12 invited talks in ECOC and ICTON in recent years.


1.High-speed all-optical signal processing in optical fiber telecommunication systems

2.Nonlinear optical switching materials, devices & applications

3.Semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA)-based switches and their applications
4.Real-time optical OFDM technologies in access networks
1. High-speed all-optical signal processing in optical fiber telecommunication systems
2. Nonlinear optical switching materials, devices & applications
3. Semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA)-based switches and their applications
4. Real-time optical OFDM technologies in access networks  
1.1995, Excellent Postgraduate Student by Shanghai Government
2.1999, Science & Technology Award of Shanghai, , third prize
3.2000, Excellence in Teaching, third prize, by Chinese Ministry of Education  
1.Modern Physics, Optical fiber, Optical components, Laser principles, Crystal physics
1.Q. Weng, X.Yang and W.Hu, "Theoretical Analysis of High-Speed All-Optical Turbo-Switches", J. Selec. Top. Quant. Elect., 2012, 18(2), pp. 662-669
2.X. Yang, R.P. Webb, R.J. Manning, G.D. Maxwell, A.J. Poustie, S. Lardenois and D. Cotter, "Demonstration of All-Optical Pattern Recognition at 42Gbit/s", Europe conference on optical communication (ECOC), We2C1, Sept. 2008, Brussels, Belgium. (Invited Talk)
3.X. Yang, R.J. Manning, A. K. Mishra, R. P. Webb, A.D. Ellis, D. Cotter, "Application of Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers in High-Speed All-Optical NRZ to RZ Format Conversion", The 9th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), IEEE/LEOS, We.D2.3, Jul. 2007, Rome, Italy. (Invited Talk)
4.X. Yang, R.J. Manning, R.P. Webb, R. Giller, F.C. Gunning, D. Cotter, "High-speed All-optical Signal Processing using Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers", Invited paper, The 8th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), IEEE/LEOS, Jul. 2006, Nottingham, UK. (Invited Talk)
5.X. Yang, Z. Li, E. Tangdiongga, D. Lenstra, G.D. Khoe and H.J.S. Dorren, "Sub-picosecond pulse generation employing an SOA based nonlinear polarization switch in a ring cavity" Optics Express, 2004, vol. 12, no.11, 2448-2453
6.X.Yang, E. Tangdiongga, D. Lenstra, G.D. Khoe and H.J.S. Dorren, "All-optical flip-flop memories based on 10 Gbit/s two coupled actively mode-locked ring lasers" The 6th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), IEEE/LEOS, July 2004, Warsaw, Poland. (Invited Talk)