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2006年和2011在西北工业大学分别获得学士和博士学位。 2011年7月至2012年1月在澳大利亚国立大学做博士后(Postdoctoral Fellow),2012年4月至2016年4月在澳大利亚莫纳什大学任博士后研究员(Reseach Fellow)。2016年4月加入上海交通大学,现任电子信息与电气工程学院电子工程系特别研究员。目前已发表SCI 收录的期刊论文150余篇,被引用6000余次,H-index为45。
朱卫仁博士为IEEE Senior Member,OSA Senior Member,入选爱思唯尔中国高被引学者,入选斯坦福大学评选的Top 2% Scientists Worldwide 2022。目前担任IEEE Photonics Journal 副编辑,IEEE Access副编辑,Froniters in Physics副编辑,曾担任Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter(SCI刊源)客座编辑, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation (SCI刊源)客座编辑。多次担任国际学术会议的Session Chair和TPC Member。
2023 爱思唯尔中国高被引学者
2023 全球前2%顶尖科学年家(生涯榜单和年度影响力榜单)
2023 中国电子教育学位优秀博士学位论文提名(张迟犇)共同指导教师
2022 上海交通大学优秀博士学位论文(张金)指导教师
2022 爱思唯尔中国高被引学者
2022 全球前2%顶尖科学年家(生涯榜单和年度影响力榜单)
2023 第二届全国超材料大会学术新人奖(李振飞)指导教师
2022 全国太赫兹生物物理年会优秀研究生奖(张迟犇)指导教师
2022 ACES大会最佳学生论文(李振飞)指导教师
2021 CSRSWTC大会最佳学生论文(张金)指导教师
2020 IEEE IMWS-AMP大会最佳学生论文(邵琳达)指导教师
2020 IEEE IMWS-AMP大会学生论文Honorable Mentions(张金)指导教师
2018 IEEE高级会员
2018 OSA高级会员
2017 上海浦江人才计划
2012 西北工业大学优秀博士学位论文
12. 航天八院产学研合作项目 2024.01-2025.12,负责人
11. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 (项目编号:62071291)2021.01-2024.12,负责人
10. 鸿鹊创新中心2022年度开放基金 2023.01-2023.12,负责人
9. 哈尔滨工业大学技术合作项目 2022.01-2022.04,负责人
8. 中船-交大前瞻基金,2021.01-2022.12,负责人
7. 上海航天电子有限公司技术合作项目 2020.07-2021.5,负责人
6. 华为技术有限公司技术合作项目 2020.04-2021.4,负责人
5. 航天科学技术基金 2020.01-2020.12,负责人
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 (项目编号:51777168)2018.01-2021.12,合作单位负责人
3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目 (项目编号:61701303)2018.01-2020.12,负责人
2. 上海市浦江人才计划 (项目编号:17PJ1404100),2017.07-2019.06,负责人
1. 上海市自然科学基金 (项目编号:17ZR1414300),2017.05-2020.04,负责人
IEEE Access 副编辑 (2018-now)
Frontiers in Physics副编辑 (2022-now)
IEEE Photonics Journal 副编辑 (2017-2023)
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 客座编辑 (2017-2018)
International Journal of Antennas and Propagation 客座编辑 (2015-2016)
Google Scholar Profile
L. Shao, Z. Zhang, X. Wang, C. He, L. Si, I. D. Rukhlenko, and W. Zhu,* Graphene-based ultralow-profile microwave Fresnel lens, Carbon, 217, 118599 (2024).
X. Wu, Z. Li, Z. Zhang, X. Wang, L. Si, and W. Zhu,* Mechanically Reconfigurable Folded Reflectarray Antenna for Variable Near-Field Focusing, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 71,10038-10043 (2023).
F Faraz, Y Huang, H Liu, TUR Abbasi, X Wang, L Si,* W Zhu,* High‐Efficiency Dual‐Band Metasurface with Independent Multifold Geometric Phases, Advanced Optical Materials, 11, 2300347 (2023).
Q. Li, J. Zhang, I. D. Rukhlenko, and W. Zhu,* Graphene-enabled metasurface with independent amplitude and frequency controls in orthogonal polarization channels, Carbon, 206,, 260-267 (2023).
L. Shao, Z. Li, J. Feng, J. Zhang, H. Shi, X. Bai,* and W. Zhu,* Transmissive metasurface for multi-channel and full-polarization modulation of electromagnetic wavefronts, Photonics Research, 11(2), 245-251 (2023).
X. Bai, F. Zhang,* L. Sun, A. Cao, J. Zhang, C. He,* L. Liu, J. Yao, and W. Zhu,* Time-Modulated Transmissive Programmable Metasurface for Low Side-Lobe Beam Scanning, Research 2022, 9825903 (2022).
C. Zhang, T. Xue, J. Zhang, Z. Li, L. Liu, J. Xie, J. Yao, G. Wang,* X. Ye,* and W. Zhu,* Terahertz Meta-biosensor based on High-Q Electrical Resonance Enhanced by the Interference of Toroidal Dipole, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 214, 114493 (2022).
J. Zhang, L. Shao, Z. Li, C. Zhang, and W. Zhu,* Graphene-based Optically Transparent Metasurface Capable of Dual-Polarized Modulation for Electromagnetic Stealth, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14, 31075–31084 (2022).
J. Zhang, Z. Li, C. Zhang, L. Shao, and W. Zhu,* Graphene Based Metasurface for Dynamic Manipulation of Microwave Polarization, npj 2D Materials and Applications, 6, 47 (2022).
Z. Li, X. Kong, J. Zhang, L. Shao, D. Zhang, J. Liu, X. Wang, W. Zhu,* and C.-W. Qiu,* Cryptography metasurface for one-time-pad encryption and massive data storage, Laser & Photonics Reviews, 16, 2200113 (2022).
Z. Li, J. Qi, W. Hu, J. Liu, J. Zhang, L. Shao, C. Zhang, X. Wang, R. Jin, and W. Zhu,* Dispersion-assisted dual-phase hybrid meta-mirror for dual-band independent amplitude and phase controls, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, https://doi.org/10.1109/TAP.2022.3164947
X. Bai, F. Zhang,* L. Sun, A. Cao, C. He, J. Zhang, and W. Zhu,* Dynamic Millimeter-Wave OAM Beam Generation Through Programmable Metasurface, Nanophotonics, 11, 1389–1399 (2022).
C. Zhang, T. Xue, J. Zhang, L. Liu, J. Xie, G. Wang, J. Yao, W. Zhu,* and X. Ye*, Terahertz toroidal metasurface biosensor for sensitive distinction of lung cancer cells, Nanophotonics, 11, 101-109 (2022).
Z. Li, D. Zhang, J. Liu, J. Zhang, L. Shao, X. Wang, R. Jin, and W. Zhu,* Three-dimensional manipulation of dual-helical electromagnetic wavefronts with a non-interleaved metasurface, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 70, 378-388 (2022).
J. Zhang, Z. Li, L. Shao, F. Xiao, and W. Zhu,* Active modulation of electromagnetically induced transparency analog in graphene-based microwave metamaterial, Carbon, 183, 850-857 (2021).
J. Zhang#, N. Mu#, L. Liu, J. Xie, H. Feng, J. Yao, T. Chen,* and W. Zhu,* Highly sensitive detection of malignant glioma cells using metamaterial-inspired THz biosensor based on electromagnetically induced transparencye, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 185, 113241 (2021).
J. Zhang, Z. Li, L. Shao, and W. Zhu,* Dynamical absorption manipulation in a graphene-based optically transparent and flexible metasurface, Carbon, 176, 374-382 (2021).
J. Zhang, H. Zhang, W. Yang, K. Chen, X. Wei, Y. Feng, R. Jin, and W. Zhu,* Dynamic scattering steering with graphene-based coding meta-mirror, Advanced Optical Materials, 8, 2000683 (2020).
Z. Li, M. Premaratne, and W. Zhu,* Advanced encryption method realized by secret shared phase encoding scheme using a multi-wavelength metasurfacee, Nanophotonics, 9, 3687–3696 (2020).
X. Bai,* F. Kong, Y. Sun, F. Wang, J. Qian, X. Li,* A. Cao, C. He,* X. Liang, R. Jin, and W. Zhu,* High-efficiency transmissive programable metasurface for multi-mode OAM generations, Advanced Optical Materials, 8, 2000570 (2020).
S. Quader, J. Zhang, M. R. Akram, and W. Zhu,* Graphene-based high-efficiency broadband tunable linear-to-circular polarization converter for terahertz waves, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 26(5), 4501008 (2020).
M. R. Akram, G. Ding, K. Chen, Y. Feng, and W. Zhu,* Ultra-thin single layer metasurfaces with ultra-wideband operation for both transmission and reflection, Advanced Materials, 32, 1907308 (2020).
J. Zhang, X. Wei,I. D. Rukhlenko, H.-T. Chen, and W. Zhu,* Electrically tunable metasurface with independent frequency and amplitude modulations, ACS Photonics, 7(1) , 265-271 (2020).
N. V. Tepliakov,* E. V. Kundelev, P. D. Khavlyuk, Y. Xiong, M. Yu. Leonov, W. Zhu,* A. V. Baranov, A. V. Fedorov, A. L. Rogach, and I. D. Rukhlenko,* Sp2-Sp3-hybridized atomic domains determine optical features of carbon dots, ACS Nano, 13(9) , 10737-10744 (2019).
J. Zhang, X. Wei, M. Premaratne, and W. Zhu,* Experimental demonstration of electrically tunable broadband coherent perfect absorber based on graphene-electrolyte-graphene sandwich structure, Photonics Research, 7(8) , 868-874 (2019).
M. R. Akram, M. Q. Mehmood, X. Bai, R. Jin, M. Premaratne, and W. Zhu,* High efficiency ultrathin transmissive metasurfaces, Advanced Optical Materials, 7, 1801628 (2019).
M. R. Akram, X. Bai, R. Jin, G. A. E. Vandenbosch, M. Premaratne, and W. Zhu,* Photon spin Hall effect based ultra-thin transmissive metasurface for efficient generation of OAM waves, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 67 (7), 4650-4658 (2019).
J. Li, R. Jin, J. Geng, X. Liang, K. Wang, M. Premaratne, and W. Zhu,* Design of a broadband metasurface Luneburg lens for full-angle operation, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 67 (4), 2442-2451 (2019).
A. S. Baimuratov, T. P. Pereziabova, W. Zhu,* M. Y. Leonov, A. V. Baranov, A. V. Fedorov, and I. D. Rukhlenko,* Optical anisotropy of topologically distorted semiconductor nanocrystals, Nano Letters, 17, 5514–5520 (2017)