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熊箭 博士 (1977.6.5),上海交通大学电子工程系图像通信与网络工程研究所研究员,美国哥伦比亚大学访问学者(2015),上海浦江人才计划获得者(2016)。工作期间,先后主持研究了国家自然科学基金青年基金项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目、国防预研基金项目、装发预研等项目、航天电子基金项目等;作为技术负责人参加了国家863计划面上、863计划重点项目子课题、国家工信部高铁通信LTE-R重大专项、国家工信部“高效率、线性宽带功放模块”重大专项项目、铁路电视(上海-无锡)示范段项目、“神六-神十”着陆场返回舱搜救图传项目、手机电视标准MMB-H系统研发项目、欧盟FP6支持的“融合媒体网络成长路线图(ROADiBROM)”等30多个项目的研发。

熊箭博士先后发表了80多篇期刊或会议论文。2014年获得IEEE Tran. On Broadcasting 年度最佳论文(通信作者),该奖也是第一次授予中国大陆本土学者;2016年获得IEEE广播技术协会BMSB2016最佳论文奖,该会为全球数字电视广播领域最顶级的学术会议,2018年再次获得该会议的最佳论文奖。2016年获得IEEE计算机系会Scalable and Smart CloudSSC2016)最佳论文奖。2014年获得教育部科技进步一等奖(8/15)。申请了40多项国家发明专利,其中42项已经授权。2010-2023年,连续10多年担任IEEE BMSB国际会议的TPC Co-chair。现在为IEEE Senior Member IEEE Tran. On Broadcasting 编委VTCGlobeCom 等众多期刊会议的审稿人。


1. 组合式无人机系统设计与应用:无人机设计、智能组合飞控技术、基于机器视觉的高精度三维测距技术、无人机组合对接控制与分离技术、无人机任务与补给路径规划、无人机空中加油与空中换电技术、基于组合式无人机的资源重构技术;

2. 智能无线通信技术: 基于大模型的通信场景感知与理解、业务与信道预测、通信与网络异常识别等、小样本无线信号生成与评估;

3. 智能工业物联网技术:工业物联网数据挖掘、异常识别与预测性维护等。


1. IEEE广播技术协会BMSB2020最佳论文奖(通信作者);
2. 2020年电子工程系-十大新晋网课“主播”;
3. IEEE广播技术协会BMSB2018最佳论文奖(通信作者);
4. 2016年电子系考核优秀;
5. 2016年上海浦江人才计划(D类);
6. IEEE计算机系会Scalable and Smart Cloud(SSC2016)最佳论文奖;
7. IEEE广播技术协会BMSB2016最佳论文奖(通信作者);
8. IEEE Broadcasting Technology Society 2014 Scott Helt Memorial Award (最佳期刊论文奖), 2014 (通信作者);
9. 2014年教育部科技进步一等奖(8/15);
10. 2013 上海交通大学BM先进工作者
11. Best Service Awards, IEEE Broadcasting Technology Society, 2010, 2011, 2013~2018;


1.  《移动通信》,研究生课程,2007~现在,春季

2.  《机器学习》- 《机器学习在无线通信中的应用》, 本科生课程,2018~2019 秋季, 2020~2021 春季

2.  《无线通信关键技术及应用》,本科生课程,2016~2017,秋季






IEEE Tran. On Broadcasting 编委;

IEEE Senior Member。


  1. J. Xiong, Lantu Guo, Mingang Shan, Bo Liu, Peng Yu, and Lingfeng Guo, “Wireless Resources Cooperation of Assembled Small UAVs for Data Collections of IoT”, in IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 10, no. 11, pp. 9411-9422, 1 June1, 2023, doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2022.3222027.
  2. J. Xiong, H. Hu, P. Cheng, C. Yang, Z. Shi and L. Gui, "Wireless Resource Scheduling for High Mobility Scenarios: A Combined Traffic and Channel Quality Prediction Approach," in IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, vol. 68, no. 3, pp. 712-722, Sept. 2022.
  3. S. Li, F. Meng, J. Xiong, L. Bariah, S. Muhaidat and A. Wang, "STBC-Assisted MDC-NOMA Image Transmission Scheme for Multi-Antenna Systems," in IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, vol. 68, no. 3, pp. 677-688, Sept. 2022, doi: 10.1109/TBC.2022.3141608.
  4. W. -X. Long, R. Chen, M. Moretti, J. Xiong and J. Li, "Joint Spatial Division and Coaxial Multiplexing for Downlink Multi-User OAM Wireless Backhaul," in IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, vol. 67, no. 4, pp. 879-893, Dec. 2021, doi: 10.1109/TBC.2021.3081869.
  5. J. Xiong, Y. Fang, P. Cheng, Z. Shi and W. Zhang, "Distributed Caching in Converged Networks: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach," in IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, vol. 67, no. 1, pp. 201-211, March 2021.
  6. J. Xiong, H. Xie, B. Liu, B. Li and L. Gui, "Cooperative Caching Services on High-Speed Train by Reverse Auction," in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 70, no. 9, pp. 9437-9449, Sept. 2021, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2021.3099525.
  7. Wei Zhang, J. Xiong, Lin Gui, Bo Liu, Meikang Qiu, and Zhiping Shi, Distributed Caching Mechanism for Popular Services Distribution in Converged Overlay Networks, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting,  Volume: 66, Issue: 1, 2020;
  8. David Gomez-Barquero, Wei Li, Manuel Fuentes , J. Xiong , Giuseppe Araniti, Jintao Wang, “IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting Special Issue on: 5G for Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting”, 2019;
  9. Juan Yang, Zhi-Ping Shi, J. Xiong, Chen-Xi Wang, ”An Improved BP Decoding of BATS Codes With Iterated Incremental Gaussian Elimination”, IEEE Communications Letters,  Volume: 24, Issue: 2, 2020 ;
  10. Yong Luo , Zhi-Ping Shi, Fan Bu, J. Xiong, Joint Optimization of Area Spectral Efficiency and Energy Efficiency for Two-Tier Heterogeneous Ultra-Dense Networks, IEEE Access, 2019
  11. An-Zhi Chen, Zhi-Ping Shi, J. Xiong, Generalized Real-Valued Weighted Covariance-Based Detection Methods for Cognitive Radio Networks With Correlated Multiple Antennas, IEEE Access,2019
  12. Han Qiu, Gerard Memmi, Xuan Chen, J. Xiong, “DC coefficient recovery for JPEG images in ubiquitous communication systems”, Future Generation Computer Systems 96 (2019) 23–31;
  13. B. Li, J. Xiong, B. Liu, L. Gui, M. Qiu and Z. Shi, “Cache-based Popular Services Pushing on High-Speed Train by Using Converged Broadcasting and Cellular Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, PP (99):1-12 · August 2018.