







(二) 招聘条件: 

1、 熟悉雷达/通信/电侦等电子信息系统的工作机理,熟悉相关信号和数据处理算法,具有丰富的行业经验;有工业部门、大企业工作经历或长期从事相关工作者优先;

2、 具有符合本研究方向的博士学位,热爱科研并具有钻研精神和创新意识;

3、 热爱祖国,积极投身科研事业和学术研究,勇于在一线与攻关团队并肩作战;

4、 人品端正、为人坦诚、积极向上、不浮夸;具有较强的团队合作意识、责任心强,具有良好的学术道德和严谨的科学态度;

5、 年龄在35周岁以下,身心健康、无隐性疾病,能胜任岗位的工作要求,特别优秀者可放宽年龄;

(三) 岗位职责:

1、 负责雷达/通信/电侦等电子信息系统的设计与开发;

2、 指导研究生开展实验,参与科研论文撰写;

3、 参与课题组基金、重大项目的申请和研究;

4、 积极参与课题组重大任务的联合攻关与团队协作。

(四) 岗位待遇:

1、 参照上海交通大学标准,具体可根据个人的科研背景和学习工作经历给予加成;按照国家规定足额缴纳相应社会保险和住房公积金;协助解决上海户口及协助解决子女入学问题;

2、 可申请教师公寓或住房补贴,参照事业编制人员享受体检待遇,享有学校公共资源服务等;

3、 根据科研表现,由课题组提供具有竞争力的税前绩效津贴(具体面议)。




联系人: 陈老师




Recruitment Announcement for Full-time Research and Tenure-track Positions in the Field of Radar, Communication and Electronic Reconnaissance by Zou Weiwen's Team at the School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering.


For more information about the team or leader, please click on the following link:


Job title: full-time research, tenure-track positions

() Number of recruits: 2


1、 Proficient in the working principles of electronic information systems such as radar, communication, and electronic reconnaissanceFamiliar with related signal and data processing algorithms, and possessing extensive industry experience; Candidates with experience in industrial sectors, large enterprises, or those who have been engaged in related work for a long time are preferred.

2、 Have a Ph.D. degree in line with the research direction, love of  scientific research, and have the spirit of research and innovation;

3、 Love the motherland, actively devote yourself to scientific research and academic research, and have the courage to fight side by side with the research team on the front line;

4、 Character integrity, honest, positive and not pompous; Have a strong sense of teamwork, a strong sense of responsibility, good academic ethics and rigorous scientific attitude;

5、 Age below 35, physical and mental health, able to meet the work requirements of the post, especially outstanding people can be relaxed age;

(三)Job Responsibilities:

1、 Responsible for the design and development of electronic information systems such as radar, communication, and electronic reconnaissance;

2、 Guide graduate students to carry out experiments and participate in the writing of scientific research papers;

3、 Participate in the application and research of research group funds and major projects;

4、 Actively participate in the joint research and teamwork of major tasks of the research group.

(四)Job treatment:

1、 Refer to the standards of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, bonuses can be given according to the individual's scientific research background and study and work experience; Pay the corresponding social insurance and housing provident fund in full in accordance with national regulations; Solve the problem of Shanghai hukou and assist in solving the problem of children's enrollment ;

2、 Apply for teacher’s apartment, postdoctoral apartment or housing subsidy, and enjoy physical examination treatment with reference to career staff, and enjoy the university’s public resource services, etc.;

3、 According to the performance of scientific research, the research group will provide a competitive pre-tax performance allowance (details to be negotiated).

(五) Others

      Please send your resumes (including personal basic information, educational background and/or work experience, scientific research interests and professional expertise, etc.) and electronic documents reflecting your academic level in the past 5 years to the following contact email address (name + position).

(六) Contact information

Contact: Chen Qiao


Address: 2-609, Comprehensive Laboratory Building, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, No. 800 Dongchuan Road, Minhang District, Shanghai

(七)Practical Tutors: